Title | Author | Country | Type | Desciption |
15 Years of Terror Map | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | Map of terrorist incidents with more than 20 fatalities from 2000 to 2015. | ||
40 maps that explain the world | international-relations-resources | Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled “40 maps they didn’t teach you in school,” one of which happens to be a WorldViews | ||
A Persistent Threat The Evolution of al Qa'ida and Other Salafi Jihadists | Seth Jones | jihadi-resources | This report examines the status and evolution of al Qa'ida and other Salafi-jihadist groups, a subject of intense debate in the West. Based on an analysis of thousands of primary source documents, the report concludes that there has been an increase in the number of Salafi-jihadist groups, fighters, and attacks over the past several years. The author uses this analysis to build a framework for addressing the varying levels of threat in different countries, from engagement in high-threat, low government capacity countries; to forward partnering in medium-threat, limited government capacity environments; to offshore balancing in countries with low levels of threat and sufficient government capacity to counter Salafi-jihadist groups. | |
A Tipsheet to Avoid Drones (Timbuktu Letters) | Nathan Griffiths (Associated Press) | Mali | jihadi-resources | What can you do to avoid drones in a landscape like the desert of northern Mali? Camouflage your cars, for one, as Tip No. 3 advises in an al-Qaida tipsheet describing how to avoid being spotted from the air. The document was found in the Ministry of Finance’s Audit Building. It was first published in Arabic on an extremist forum in 2011, and has never appeared in English before. |
A War of One's Own: Understanding the Gender Gap in Support for War | Deborah Jordan Brooks, Benjamin A. Valentino | security-resources | The gender gap in support for war represents the largest and most consistent policy gender gap in public opinion polling. We know little about the causes of this gap, however, because scholars have not effectively isolated how or why the gender gap changes in response to the characteristics of different wars. We conducted two controlled experiments on demographically representative samples of U.S. adults to see if systematically varying the stakes of war (economic/strategic vs. humanitarian) or multilateral support for the action (U.N. approval vs. U.N. rejection) affects the size of the gender gap. We propose an interactive theoretical perspective that explicitly links these characteristics with key individual-level characteristics that might be driving the gender gap. Our findings indicate that the gender gap is strongly dependent on the specific context of the war. In fact, we find that the gender gap reverses when the war has U.N. approval or if the stakes of the war are humanitarian. | |
ABC News National Poll in Iraq | polls | The national poll was conducted by ABC News, the BBC, ARD German TV and the Japanese broadcaster NHK in 2008. Link to the ABC News article. | ||
ABC News National Public Opinion Poll in Afghanistan | polls | A national public opinion poll in Afghanistan by ABC News, the BBC and ARD German TV from 2009. Link to ABC news article. | ||
ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism | United States | social-factors | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) presents interactive survey results of anti-Semitic attitudes held by individuals around the world. | |
ADL HEAT Map (Hate, Extremism, Antisemitism, Terror) | United States | american-politics-resources | ADL H.E.A.T. Map is the first-of-its-kind interactive and customizable map detailing specific incidents of hate, extremism, antisemitism and terrorism by state and nationwide. This interactive map lets you read details on specific incidents, better understand tactics extremists use, compare activity by type and/or state and access and download raw data. | |
Al Qaeda and ISIS: Existential Threats to the U.S. and Europe | jihadi-resources | Part 1 of 3 installments of ISW and CTP's report for the U.S. grand strategy in destroying ISIS and al-Qaeda | ||
Al Risalah Magazine #1 | Jabhat al-Nusra | jihadi-resources | English-language Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Risalah (the message in Arabic). Released by jihadology.net, students and researchers must register an account with the site to access the pdf. | |
Al Risalah Magazine #2 | Jabhat al-Nusra | jihadi-resources | English-language Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Risalah (the message in Arabic). Released by jihadology.net, students and researchers must register an account with the site to access the pdf. (ARABIC) | |
Al Risalah Magazine #3 | Jabhat al-Nusra | jihadi-resources | bhat al-Nusra newspaper, Al-Risalah (the message in Arabic). Released by jihadology.net, students and researchers must register an account with the site to access the pdf. (ARABIC) | |
Al Risalah Magazine #4 | Jabhat al-Nusra | jihadi-resources | Jabhat al-Nusra's newspaper, Al-Risalah (the message in Arabic). Released by jihadology.net, students and researchers must register an account with the site to access the pdf. (ARABIC) | |
Al-Haqiqa #5 | Aaron Y Zelin | jihadi-resources | This is the 5th edition of al-Haqiqa translated and published on jihadology.net published in October 2018. Al-Haqiqa is a compilation of various authors all originating from the Sham. The magazine is in support of al-qaeda in Syria and most of the authors are members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Jabhat al Nusra. Students and researchers must register an account with jihadology.net using their academic emails to access the pdf. | |
al-Haqiqah #1 | jihadi-resources | This is the 1st edition of al-Haqiqah translated and published on jihadology.net in March of 2017. Al-Haqiqah is a compilation of various authors all originating from the Sham. The magazine is in support of al-qaeda in Syria and most of the authors are members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Jabhat al Nusra. Students or researchers must make an account on the jihadology.net website with your academic email to access the pdf. | ||
al-Haqiqah #2 | jihadi-resources | This is the 2nd edition of al-Haqiqah translated and published on jihadology.net in June of 2017. Al-Haqiqah is a compilation of various authors all originating from the Sham. The magazine is in support of al-qaeda in Syria and most of the authors are members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Jabhat al Nusra. Students and researchers must register an account with the site in order to access this content. | ||
al-Haqiqah #3 | jihadi-resources | This is the 3rd edition of al-Haqiqah translated and published on jihadology.net in February 2018. Al-Haqiqah is a compilation of various authors all originating from the Sham. The magazine is in support of al-qaeda in Syria and most of the authors are members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Jabhat al Nusra. Students and researchers must register an account with the site in order to access this content. | ||
al-Haqiqah #4 | jihadi-resources | This is the 4th edition of al-Haqiqah translated and published on jihadology.net published in June 2018. Al-Haqiqah is a compilation of various authors all originating from the Sham. The magazine is in support of al-qaeda in Syria and most of the authors are members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or Jabhat al Nusra. Students and researchers must register an account with jihadology.net using their academic emails to access the pdf. | ||
Al-Islam | middle-eastern-politics-resources | Al-Islam is source that provides information about Islam. | ||
Al-Jazeera | middle-eastern-politics-resources | Commentary from a group of experts. Last post was 3/11/2011. | ||
Al-Qai'da From Within (Part 3) | Khalid al-Hamad | jihadi-resources | Abu-Jandal (Nasir al-Bahri), Bin Laden's personal guard interviewed on Al-Qai'da. Includes Parts 7 through Part 10. | |
Al-Zarqawi...The Second Generation of Al-Qai'da (Parts 1-3) | Fu'ad Husayn | jihadi-resources | Includes testimonies by people who knew and accompanied Al-Zarqawi at various stages of his life. | |
Al-Zarqawi...The Second Generation of Al-Qai'da (Parts 10-15) | Fu'ad Husayn | jihadi-resources | Includes testimonies by people who knew and accompanied Al-Zarqawi at various stages of his life. | |
Al-Zarqawi...The Second Generation of Al-Qai'da (Parts 4-7, 9) | Fu'ad Husayn | jihadi-resources | Includes testimonies by people who knew and accompanied Al-Zarqawi at various stages of his life. | |
Almost Nuclear: Introducing the Nuclear Latency dataset | Matthew Fuhrmann and Benjamin Tkach | security-resources | The capacity to build nuclear weapons—known as "nuclear latency"—is widely believed to be important in world politics. Yet scholarly research on this topic remains limited. This paper introduces a new dataset on nuclear latency from 1939 to 2012. It discusses coding procedures, describes global trends, and compares the dataset with earlier efforts to measure nuclear latency. We show that nuclear latency is far more common than nuclear proliferation: 31 countries developed the capacity to build nuclear bombs from 1939 to 2012, and only 10 of those states went on to acquire atomic arsenals. This paper provides one empirical application of the dataset, showing how the study of nuclear latency can contribute to our understanding of international conflict. We provide preliminary evidence that nuclear latency reduces the likelihood of being targeted in militarized disputes. Having the capacity to build nuclear weapons, therefore, may provide deterrence benefits that we usually associate with possessing a nuclear arsenal. | |
American Economic Power Hasn't Declined—It Globalized! Summoning the Data and Taking Globalization Seriously | Sean Starrs | american-foreign-policy | This paper argues that a fundamental failing in the debate on the decline of American economic power is not taking globalization seriously. With the rise of transnational corporations (TNCs), transnational modular production networks, and the globalization of corporate ownership, we can no longer give the same relevance to national accounts such as balance of trade and GDP in the twenty-first century as we did in the mid-twentieth. Rather, we must summon data on the TNCs themselves to encompass their transnational operations. This will reveal, for example, that despite the declining global share of United States GDP from 40% in 1960 to below a quarter from 2008 onward, American corporations continue to dominate sector after sector. In fact, in certain advanced sectors such as aerospace and software—even in financial services—American dominance has increased since 2008. There are no serious contenders, including China. By looking at the wrong data, many have failed to see that American economic power has not declined—it has globalized. | |
American Economic Power Hasn't Declined—It Globalized! Summoning the Data and Taking Globalization Seriously | Sean Starrs | political-economy-resources | This paper argues that a fundamental failing in the debate on the decline of American economic power is not taking globalization seriously. With the rise of transnational corporations (TNCs), transnational modular production networks, and the globalization of corporate ownership, we can no longer give the same relevance to national accounts such as balance of trade and GDP in the twenty-first century as we did in the mid-twentieth. Rather, we must summon data on the TNCs themselves to encompass their transnational operations. This will reveal, for example, that despite the declining global share of United States GDP from 40% in 1960 to below a quarter from 2008 onward, American corporations continue to dominate sector after sector. In fact, in certain advanced sectors such as aerospace and software—even in financial services—American dominance has increased since 2008. There are no serious contenders, including China. By looking at the wrong data, many have failed to see that American economic power has not declined—it has globalized. | |
American Politics: Foreign Affairs and Defense | american-foreign-policy | Provides illustrated concepts, facts, figures, cartoons, image features and video features. | ||
American Security Project | United States | think-tanks | U.S. think tank focused on national security policy. | |
American Terrorism Study, 1980-2002 | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | Data collections relate specifically to acts of American terrorism from ICPSR. Note: Access for Haverford users but requires setting up an individual account. | ||
American Terrorism Study, 1980-2002 | american-foreign-policy | Data collections relate specifically to acts of American terrorism from ICPSR. Note: Access for Haverford users but requires setting up an individual account. | ||
Amnesty International Annual Report 2012 | human-rights-resources | Reports on the status of human rights throughout the world. Report available on the Middle East and North Africa, including Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, etc | ||
Amnesty International Annual Reports | human-rights-resources | Human rights reports available in numerous languages. Simply use search bar to find the report you are looking for. | ||
Angus Reid Institute Public Interest Research: Terrorism | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | Concise articles describing the latest polling results and news related to terrorism from throughout the world. Use the site's "Global Opinion Monitor" for alternative polled topics. | ||
Angus Reid Institute Public Interest Research: Terrorism | polls | Concise articles describing the latest polling results and news related to terrorism from throughout the world. Use the site's "Global Opinion Monitor" for alternative polled topics. | ||
Anwar Sadat Chair: Public Opinion Polls and Reports | polls | Public opinion polls and reports surveying American, Israeli, Arab, and others' attitudes on current events in the Middle East from 2010 to now. | ||
Arab Barometer Country Reports | middle-eastern-politics-resources | |||
Arab Center Washington DC | middle-eastern-politics-resources | Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) highlights US policies and interests in the Middle East. Its publications analyze the Arab world and address fundamental aspects of US-Arab relations through timely and objective academic research, policy analysis, and educational exchange. The Public Opinion section, in particular, measures outlook of the Arab public on matters such as democracy, world elections, and more. | ||
Arab Spring Interactive Timeline | middle-eastern-politics-resources | The Guardian's interactive timeline of the Arab Spring that controls for country of event, type of event, and date. Ranges from December 2010- December 2011. | ||
Arab World News Sources | University of Michigan | middle-eastern-politics-resources | ||
Archigos: A Database of Political Leaders | Kristian Skrede Gledtisch | governance-resources | The Archigos data provide a list of leaders for all independent states in the world. | |
Are Coethnics More Effective Counterinsurgents? Evidence from the Second Chechen War | Jason Lyall | intrastate-conflict | Abstract: "Does ethnicity matter for explaining violence during civil wars? I exploit variation in the identity of soldiers who conducted so-called “sweep” operations (zachistki) in Chechnya (2000–5) as an empirical strategy for testing the link between ethnicity and violence. Evidence suggests that the intensity and timing of insurgent attacks are conditional on who “swept” a particular village. For example, attacks decreased by about 40% after pro-Russian Chechen sweeps relative to similar Russian only operations. These changes are difficult to reconcile with notions of Chechen solidarity or different tactical choices. Instead, evidence, albeit tentative, points toward the existence of a wartime “coethnicity advantage.” Chechen soldiers, enmeshed in dense intraethnic networks, are better positioned to identify insurgents within the population and to issue credible threats against civilians for noncooperation. A second mechanism—–prior experience as an insurgent—–may also be at work. These findings suggest new avenues of research investigating the conditional effects of violence in civil wars. | |
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) | ACLED | United States | intrastate-conflict | ACLED (Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset) is designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. This dataset codes the location of all reported conflict events in 50 countries in the developing world. |
Asharq al-Awsat Newspaper | jihadi-resources | A critical view of the War on Terror by a former counter-terrorism analyst, Leah Farrall. | ||
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) | United States | security-resources | Research institute studying maritime issues in Asia, primarily through satellite imagery. Part of Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). | |
ASN Aviation Safety Database | security-resources | The ASN Safety Database, updated every week, contains descriptions of over 12,200 airliner, military transport category aircraft and corporate jet aircraft safety occurrences since 1943. | ||
Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Oral History Collection | United States | american-foreign-policy | Collection of interviews conducted with former United States diplomats, organized by topic and country. | |
Association of Religious Data Archives (ARDA): Cross-National Data 2005 | social-factors | Data sources: 2003 US State Dept.’s International Religious Freedom Reports and other cross-national measures of interest to researchers on religion, economics, and politics, including adherent information from the World Christian Database, scales from Fr | ||
Association of Religious Data Archives (ARDA): International Religious Freedom Data | social-factors | Indices: Government Regulation of Religion index (GRI), Social Regulation of Religion index (SRI), Government Favoritism of Religion index (GFI). Data collected 2006. | ||
Atlantic Council | United States | think-tanks | U.S. think tank focused on national security policy related to Europe. | |
Bangladesh Centre for Terrorism Research (BCTR) | Bangladesh | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) is a non-party, non-profit organization and independent think tank devoted to the study of peace and security issues related to South and Southeast Asia and beyond. The leading strategic thinkers, academicians, formers members of Civil Services, Foreign Services, Armed Forces and media persons are associated with the Institute in its endeavour to devise a comprehensive framework for peace and security studies. | |
Basel AML Index | Switzerland | governance-resources | The Basel AML Index is an independent country ranking and risk assessment tool for money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF). Produced by the Basel Institute on Governance since 2012, it provides holistic money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risk scores based on data from 17 publicly available sources such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Transparency International, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. | |
BBC Country Profiles | international-relations-resources | |||
Bellingcat | Netherlands | security-resources | Leading Open-Source Intelligence research organization, known for work on MH17 shootdown, Navalny poisoning, and Syria chemical attacks. | |
Bercovitch Data Centre for Conflict, Mediation, & Peace Building | University of Canterbury | New Zealand | interstate-conflict | The ICM dataset includes quantitative data on international conflicts and conflict management from 1945 through to 2003. This database is best used in conjunction with Jacob Bercovitch and Judith Fretter, Regional Guide to International Conflict and Management from 1945 to 2003 (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 2004). |
Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies | Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, University of California, Berkeley | United States | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | The mission of the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI) is to: Foster innovative, community-engaged qualitative and quantitative interdisciplinary research on the issues central to social stratification and inequality. Our primary focus is on institutional patterns that impact marginalized communities - in the United States and around the world – as well as social and political movements that disrupt such patterns. ISSI realizes this mission by supporting research centers within its institutional structure, encouraging projects and initiatives and securing extramural funding to support these initiatives; supporting a wide range of faculty research; building interdisciplinary networks between faculty and graduate student researchers; providing research training to faculty, students, and professionals in qualitative methodology; providing training, mentoring and professional development to graduate students; disseminating research publications; facilitating graduate student and faculty working groups; and convening colloquia and conferences. |
Bin Ladin's Bookshelf | Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) | jihadi-resources | In May 2015, March 2016, and January 2017 the ODNI released the second, third, and fourth sets of numerous documents recovered during the raid of the compound hiding bin Ladin. | |
Boko Haram Recent Attacks | jihadi-resources | Background information on Boko Haram as of 2014. | ||
BP Statistical Review of World Energy | BP | climate-resources | A review of the use carbon emissions, oil, natural gas, coal, renewable energies, etc. per year. | |
Brookings Institution | United States | think-tanks | U.S. nonprofit public policy organization. Based in Washington, DC. | |
Bruegel | Belgium | think-tanks | Belgian think tank focused on international macroeconomic policy. | |
Building a Global Terrorism Database | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | This book provides datasets on terrorist attacks in its appendices. | ||
Bullets for Ballots: Electoral Participation Provisions and Enduring Peace after Civil Conflic | Aila Matanock | democracy-resources | Fighting soon recurs following some peace agreements, but not others. Which settlements are associated with more enduring peace? Almost half of all peace agreements include “electoral participation provisions” that enable former rebel groups to participate alongside the government as political parties in post-conflict elections. These provisions establish coordinating cycles to coincide with electoral processes that pave the way for external engagement, especially as democracy-promotion programs spread, potentially incentivizing compliance by both sides with the deal and increasing stability. Specifically, intergovernmental organizations and foreign donors became able, and available, to easily intervene to detect and sanction ex-combatants’ noncompliance with such settlements. New cross-national data on peace agreements suggest that that conflict after peace settlements recurs less often when electoral participation provisions are included than when they are not. It also suggests that the pacifying relationship holds when combatants’ expect international engagement. In contrast to prominent prior literature, which suggests that post-conflict elections complicate and even destabilize deals, these findings imply that provisions for particular types of electoral contests may help stabilize settlements and produce more enduring peace | |
Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC) List of Treaties and Agreements | international-relations-resources | The Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC) is a bureau within the U.S. State Department. The AVC focuses on arms control, verification and compliance with international arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements or commi | ||
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) List of Treaties and Agreements | international-relations-resources | The Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation provides a full-text list of agreements related to their mission. The ISN is a bureau within the U.S. State Department. 2009-17 | ||
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) List of Treaties and Agreements | security-resources | The Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation provides a full-text list of agreements related to their mission. The ISN is a bureau within the U.S. State Department. 2009-17 | ||
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | United States | think-tanks | U.S. think tank focused on international relations, democratic governance, and technology. | |
Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy | Ashton B. Carter, John M. Deutch and Philip D. Zelikow | terrorism-and-armed-nonstate-actors | This report is a product of the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group, a nine-month long collaboration of faculty from Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. | |
Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) | United States | security-resources | A non-profit organization focusing on maritime security and strategy. | |
Center for Naval Analyses | United States | security-resources | U.S. Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) focusing on naval affairs/ | |
Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) | University of Southern California | political-economy-resources | Established in 2004, CREATE is an interdisciplinary national research center based at the University of Southern California, funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. | |
Center for Security Studies (CSS): Resources | security-resources | Previously called the International Relations and Security Network (ISN). A comprehensive database of global research organizations in international relations and security policy with descriptions and links. | ||
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) | United States | think-tanks | he Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) is the world’s premier center for understanding future international competition and conflict. Our mission is to develop innovative, resource-informed defense concepts, promote public debate, and spur action to advance U.S. and allied interests. Our vision is to set the terms of debate for the future of national defense and drive change in concept development, force structure, and resources to prepare the US and its allies to compete and win in an era characterized by great power competition and conflict. CSBA is proud to share its values ensures the team achieves its mission and lives its vision: Independence. Objectivity. Integrity. Innovation. Expertise. Quality. | |
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | United States | think-tanks | A research organization analyzing political strategies regarding cybersecurity, defense, economics, human rights, energy & sustainability, global health, and international development. |